Statement of Faith

                                                         Leslie Stratton Norris

   I was fortunate to be raised in a Christian home.  My parents accepted Jesus Christ as their
personal savior when I was very young, and in turn made it a priority to expose my sister and
I to Biblical teaching and the importance of making a personal commitment to the Lord Jesus.
I made that decision at the age of 7.  Her are the basics of my personal faith.

   The Bible is the inerrant Word of God.  The Bible clearly teaches us that ALL people are sinners and are in need of salvation in order to have a personal relationship with God and to spend eternity with him in heaven.  God provided that means of salvation by sending His own Son, Jesus Christ, to live as a man on the earth.  Jesus lived a sinless life and allowed Himself to be crucified on a cross in order to take the burden of sin of all humanity upon Himself.  Three days later, Jesus rose from the dead as He had promised, and declared His victory
over death and sin.  In doing so,  He made it possible for every person who makes a personal commitment to Jesus to be declared 'white as snow' or sinless.

    Upon accepting the Lord Jesus, the Christian is filled with the Holy Spirit, who according to the Bible, is our teacher, allowing us to understand scripture and causing us to grow spiritually to greater understanding of God and His ways.  God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are what we know as the 'Trinity'.  Separate individuals, and yet at the same time ONE with each other.

    Those persons who accept the Lord Jesus are commanded to follow Him and spread news
of salvation.  Christians do still sin, but the Bible teaches us that God forgives those who ask and who have a repentant heart.   As we grow in our spiritual lives, sin becomes more evident and disgusting to us, and we grow to know the importance of God's graciousness
in sending His own Son to die for us and in forgiving our sins.  God promises Christians that upon our death, we will spend eternity in heaven with Him.

    Christians also look forward to the return of Jesus to the earth.  He has promised to return
and rule the earth and defeat Satan and sin once and for all.

    My mission in presenting musical programs is first to glorify the Lord God.  Second, to take
the opportunity to share my faith in Jesus.  Third, to provide a worship time for people to
meditate and allow the Lord to speak to their hearts.  Music is a blessing to me, and my hope in sharing music is to bless those who listen and allow them to think on the Lord and His ways.

Leslie Stratton Norris

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