Welcome To
Mister Standman
Music & Book Stands ®
Since 1989
Proudly Handcrafted & Made in Idaho - USA

Fine Handcrafted Wooden Music Stands
Dictionary Stands & Book Stands  ...
in over 75 different designs
and Yes....still made in America...........

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to see all the different designs.........
Stay Here to see the book stands page.......
Book Stands, Dictionary Stands
Desktop or table top book stands
& full standing book stands
Information Starts Here......

Modern Classic Design Conductor Size book or dictionary stand
Frame size - 14" x 24"
(Any Size frame can be made to fit your book ..
So a  18' tall book by  27" across when opened I would make a 19" x 28" )
Book Size above :   14 1/2 inches tall  -  22 inches when opened
and weighed  17 lbs.

         Mister Standman's book stands and desk top book stand are
sturdy enough to handle large books or a dictionary for display.
The book and dictionary stands were tested to hold up to 40 Lbs.
 and the  12.5 " height  x  22" length can usually handle the
smaller size books.  Since each stand is still handmade by
Mister Standman in Idaho,  He can make any size frame to fit
your book.   So, if your book is say 16" tall by 26" opened across
I would add a inch around it making the frame
17 " tall by 27 " across..    I've made stands for books that
were 24" tall by 34 " across ,, very BIG books !!
You can order the full standing book stand in any of
Mister Standman's styles of stands at the regular
price range of $ 355 - $ 395.00 or you can get the desk book stand
that sits on a desk or table for around $ 175.00 - 250.00 depending
on the design or wood choice.
See below for more information on the book stands, dictionary
stands, bookstand, holders and table top book stands

Stationary Desk Stand -                              Adjustable Desk stand

click picture for more information on desk stands

Podium Stand to raise book up off the desk or counter

Larger and Heavy Dictionaries & Books

  Mister Standman does suggest however that if you do have a
heavy book to order the conductor version of music stand.
The conductor version is  made more "heavy duty" than the
normal stand. The desk size is 14" x 24" and the desk tilt has
a locking tilt ( see pictures below) that locks the tilt into position.
The 4 feet are also made a little longer to help balance out
the weight.  If the stand is going to be used in a position that
you will look at the book while standing you can also request
the height adjustment to start at 40 " or more.  You can also
have Mister Standman add a very small strip of wood along the
out side lip of the music tray to help keep the book in place
on the tray or desk.   Please mention that the stand
will be used as a book stand or dictionary stand when
ordering.  Mister Standman can also create a larger
frame size if needed than the 14" x  24" frame size
of the conductor stand.    There is usually a extra charge of
around $ 35.00 for this and the design is limited to the
 solid back design only.  Just ask Mister Standman if the size
can be done for the book size you have.

Here is what is available...

Desk Top Book and Dictionary Stands
click here for more information on desk top book stands

This dictionary was 10" height by 16" length

The desktop or table top book stand pictured below is made
to sit on a desk or table and can be ordered in any of the frame styles.

Click pictures to see more information on desk top book stands

Book Bench for storing books

The Book bench idea came from a customer that wanted something
nice to give to a retiring judge to store his law books.. I came
up with this idea from my regular desk stand ..   It basically will hold your books
in at a angle and is made to sit on a desk.. the size is usually
13" height by 22 " length but since everything I produce is handmade
by me here in Idaho,, I can make it longer, shorter taller you name it !!

Or The

 Full Standing Book Stands

Victorian Lyre full standing book stand
Click picture to see all the styles of stands available

You can order the book stand in any of the designs
that Mister Standman has.  The full book stand
lets you have the book there for view without having
it sit on a table like the desk stands above.  Desk stands
like the pictures below sit on a desk or table......It also let
you move it around to a spot you like versus just sitting on a table...

Many Different Designs Available

Mister Standman has over 55 different designs available that can be done
with the above desktop and full standing book stands
Click any of the pictures above to see all the designs......

Click picture to see all the designs available

 Mister Standman Music stands uses the Four feet Pattern as shown on all
of his music and book stands.  The four feet which are almost 2 inches wide is the
main reason his stands are so stable.  All other Music stands from other companies
use those tiny skinny three feet pattern which are about 1/2" wide
No wonder those other wooden stands are so rocky and unstable
See picture to the right.........

Oversize Frames..........

This book size was 14 7/8 "  x 22" when opened and weighed 17 lbs.
Mister Standman's book stands can handle very heavy books up to  45 lbs....

Oversize Frame - 22" length x 28" height --$ ask price
This customer ordered the frame to be large enough
to hold a book binder of old copies of the New York Times..
We can accommodate just about every size frame just ask....

How big can we make it ???
The biggest one in the back is 17" x 38" length
The middle on is  18" x 30" length
The small celtic knot one is the regular size frame of 12 1/2 " x 22"
If you go larger than the 25 inch size I can't do any of the fancy
lyre patterns since the design is really only for the 25' or smaller size frame..
So you have to get just the plain solid back design......

The normal size of music shelf or tray is 2 1/8 ".
Mister Standman can make the tray longer if needed
like the 3 " tray pictured above.......

A lip could also be added to help keep the pages of a book from
flopping closed.....The only problem with this is that you would
have to lift the book up to turn the pages since they could
not go past the lip...This is probably fine for a book stand
but not to good for music since pages have to be turned when
you playing and there is no time to lift the book up, turn the page
and set it back down all while your bowing your violin.....

We can also drill a series of holes on both sides of the tray and supply
2 pegs that can be moved in various holes according to what size of book
you are using.  It holds the book pages back pretty good and allows you to turn
pages as well.   It does mean however you got a bunch of holes drilled in your tray
and in most cases a paper clip will work just as good to hold pages, Paper clips
everyone has.... There is a $  20.00 charge for this...

The Extra Storage shelf is a great idea Brass Accents
for storing tuners, metronomes, business cards,
pencils, rosin, bows and other items.  The extra
shelf can be added to any of the designs of Mister Standman

Do you have a special height requirement
Click picture to find out more.....

You can order any stand in
              over 30 different woods and color choices -click
              picture to see wood and stain color choices........

Home Page
Back to See All the Stands
 How to Order

Since 1989
Proudly Handcrafted &
Made in Idaho - USA

Mister Standman Music Stands
6692 E. French Gulch Rd.
Coeur d' Alene,  Idaho  83814
For Questions

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Need a color Brochure ??
Click here to print a online brochure

You can also just press " print "   on your web
browser to print out this web page your looking at ......

Or Click here for index of Mister Standman's products and information

Mister Standman Music Stands manufactures
fine handmade music stand, handcrafted wooden music stand
music stand, wood musik stand, book stand, bible stand, book holder
wood music stand, conductor stands, music stands,
book stands, desk stands, sheet music storage stands
choir conductor stand, music director stand, church stands,
dictionary book stand & bible stands, desk top book stand,
harp music stand, guitar stands and benches, harp benches
harp stand, library book stand, piano desk, piano music stand,
piano rack, sheet music rack, Display stands and
restaurant menu holder stands.......

 About Mister Standman  The Stands
 Wood Colors    Order Form    Questions & Answers
Tilt Adjustment   Height Adjustment    Brass Highlights
Brass Plaques  Music Lights  Page Holders
 Extra Storage Tray   Customer Comments     How to Order
  Color Brochure    Gift Certificates   Contact Info: