Church Music Stands
Church music stands, bible stands
mini pulpits, choir conductor stands page
Mister Standman produces fine
handmade music and
book stands in over 75 different
designs including the
church logo stands below.
Click any of the pictures below to
find out more. There is
also more information about the
stands on this page........see
Yes,, we can stain the stand to match the church furniture
Many Different designs to choose from...
Just Click pictures below to
find out more information....
Inlay Cross UMC Design Presbyterian Design
Classical lyre w/cross Victorian Lyre w/cross Chalice and flame
Half VicLyre with G clef Cross Half Vic full Cross Gclef only
Tulip lyre with Cross Celtic Cross Inlay cross with sun rays
Victorian Lyre with Celtic Cross
2 Crosses More Sun rays and Cross
Bird of dove stand Peace Dove![]()
Half Victorian Lyre with Dove Modern Classic with Dove
Tulip Lyre with G clef cross Victorian Lyre with G Clef Cross
Black Lacquer G Clef Cross Victorian Lyre Tulip Lyre GClef Cross with Inlay Oak
Ankh design Tulip lyre w Star of David Tulip Lyre with hand bells
Chalice and Cross Episcopal church design Solid back with oak leaves
UMC stand with hand bells United Methodist Stand Half Victorian Lyre w/cross
Lutheran Logo - Art Deco Design in OakWe can match a existing image like this one on a pulpit
and put it into the stand
CLose up of image pulpit cross we matched
Victorian lyre with special design
Mason Cross and Crown Cross and Shield
Buddhist Dharma Wheel
Last Supper Image - laser burned $ 55.00 extra
We can do a laser burn in a image or lettering as pictued above
versus a brass plaque .
Ask for price - Usually about $ 30 for lettering
Victorian Lyre with Heart & Cross With Heart inlay around heart stained red
Chalice cup and flame Modern Classic half frame with cross
Jerusalem Cross Chalice in column design stand
Column Stand with Cross Inlay Regular column stand with no cross
Chalice with flame and circles
The Masonic Temple Logo
St Francis design - submitted by a church
Special Design Sheet music storage shelf
Inlay cross stand with your own customized lettering or church logo
Special Lettering can be done by laser burning
Yes...the stands do tilt to almost flat......
Thats the number one question most often askedBut, look also at smaller shelf ............
Many times conductors want small lips on the music frames so that is more
easy to turn pages..... We can do that.....this one is only 3/4 "
Double back cross inlay allows you to store sheet
music in between the two frames...Shown here with
Extra sheet music storage tray and extra shelf....
This is the deluxe model .................
Other Examples and designs.......
Inlay Chalice Design - Golden Oak
14 x 24 " - $ 375.00
Modern Classic with Chalice and Cross
Red Mahogany Center with cherry outside
$ 395.000
United Church of Christ Logo -
Laser burned Image adds $ 55.00
Oak with White Wash
Birds of Paradise with Peace Dove - $ 395.00
You can get this stand with handbells
with the Presbyterian logo or just the cross
if your not Methodist......
Peace dove as inlay - $ 365.00
Dark Walnut with natural walnut inlay
We can do some church logos as a inlay
just ask .......
Modern Classic design - mahogany border with maple burl center
cross inserted in upper left corner - this one went ot a hospital
for there chapel.
Brass Plaques
We can also make up a brass plaque as a memorial remembrance
1" x 3 " or 2 x 4 "
2 - 3 Lines - $ 15.00
Click for more info on brass plaque
Laser Burn in the Lettering
Or laser cutting words in
Other Church Stand Examples
Half Victorian lyre with oak leaves in corners
This stand went to Oak Grove Church
Extra sheet music storage
tray - $ 85.00
Sits below the music frame and holds sheet music,
bible, choir song book, cup of coffee and
if needed a cookie or doughnut
Yes We Can !!!! we can knotch a hole on the end of
sheet music shelf for a microphone
Special design with Chalice with flame
Lyre with Special Design Joy Symbol
You can order any stand in
over 30 different woods and color choices -click
picture to see wood and stain color choices........
Modern Classic with ankh symbol Tulip
Lyre with Jewish Star of David
New Items
Arches with Cross
Do you have a design in mind you would like
to have ?? Let us know. The above arches
we designed to go with arches in the alter
of a church that submitted a picture for
us to design something to go with their existing
arch theme......see photo below
Tulip Lyre with Hand bells.........
UMC cross and flame with hand bells
Catholic Symbols
Tilt Adjustment on Conductor frame has
individual holes drilled for locking tilt
Brass Knobs are also
available and
recommended for the conductor frames
Height is Adjustable
The Extra Storage shelf is a great idea
for storing tuners, metronomes, business cards,
pencils, rosin, bows and other items. The extra
shelf can be added to any of the designs of Mister Standman
Mister Standman Music stands uses the Four feet Pattern as shown
on all
of his music stands. The four feet which are almost 2 inches
wide is the
main reason his stands are so stable. Almost all other Music
stands from other
companies use those tiny skinny three feet pattern which are about
1/2" wide
No wonder those other wooden stands are so rocky and unstable...........
See Picture on the right........
Home Page
Back to See All the Stands
How to Order
Wood and stain colors
Since 1989
Proudly Handcrafted &
Made in Idaho - USA
Mister Standman Music Stands
6692 E. French Gulch Rd.
Coeur d' Alene, Idaho
For Questions
For Questions
Picture for more "How To Contact" Information
Need a color Brochure ??
Click here to print a
online brochure
You can also just press " print "
on your web
browser to print out this web page your looking
at ......
About Mister Standman The
Wood Colors Order
Form Questions & Answers
Tilt Adjustment Height
Adjustment Brass Highlights
Brass Plaques
Music Lights Page Holders
Extra Storage Tray Customer
Comments How to Order
Color Brochure
Gift Certificates Contact Info:
Mister Standman Music Stands
fine handmade music stands,
handcrafted wooden music stands
wood music stands, music conductor
stands, music stands,
bookstand, desk bookstands,
sheet music stands, table top book stand
church stand, church bible holder
stand, church music director stand
choir conductor stands, music
director music stands,
pulpit church music stands,
bible stands, bible stand, bible holders
dictionary stands & bible
stand, desk top book stands, wood music stands
harp music stands, guitar stands
and guitar benches, harp benches
harp stands, library book stands,
piano music desk, piano music stand,
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holder, bookstand, bookstands, book stand
piano rack, sheet music rack,
Display stands and cantor stands